Individual Project, 30**% of Final Grade**

Deliverable: a Colab notebook associated with a GitHub repository to test a deep learning model

Students submit their sharable GitHub and Colab links through assignments on the Term project page to keep track of their progress.

  1. Proposal (9/13/21) Find an existing deep learning model for your project from GitHub or other open-source platforms.

    Submit a proposal that includes a brief model description as well as a rough plan.

    Note: It must include the target model's GitHub repo address

  2. Update 1 (9/27/21) Share the GitHub repository for your project, which was forked from the target model's repository to your account.

    If your repository is private, add me as a collaborator ([email protected]).

  3. Update 2 (10/18/21) Submit your Colab notebook for testing the model with their test data.

  4. Update 3 (11/1/21) Submit your Colab notebook for testing the model with your data.

  5. Update 4 (11/15/21) Submit your Colab notebook for running all the steps from cloning the code from GitHub to testing the model with your data.

    Note: if your Colab notebook contains successful transfer learning results, your grade will be an A.

  6. Report (11/22/21) Submit a one-page project report that includes links to the GitHub repository and the Colab notebook where you tested all of the steps.

    Note: a well-documented Colab notebook will help you get a higher grade.

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